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Witamy w CMFI Polska!

CMFI Polska jest ruchem misyjnym, którego celem jest pozyskiwanie uczniów dla Pana Jezusa Chrystusa, kształcenie ludzi, którzy będą Mu posłuszni we wszystkim i będą Mu służyć z przelania swojej miłości do Niego oraz rosnącego poznania Go i relacji z Nim.


Poznaj CMFI Poland, CMFI Worldwide, naszą wizję, cel, misję, założyciela, historię, kościoły i zasoby.

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abyśmy wspólnie oddali Planetę Ziemię jej prawowitemu Właścicielowi – Panu Jezusowi Chrystusowi.

Stań się częścią globalnego ruchu misyjnego i zakładania kościołów


CMFI Polska jest integralną częścią Christian Ministry Fellowship International, globalnej chrześcijańskiej służby zaangażowanej w szerzenie przemieniającego przesłania Bożej miłości, przebaczenia i zbawienia przez wiarę w Jezusa Chrystusa. Założona w 1975 roku w Kamerunie przez wizjonera Zachariasa Tanee Fomuma, CMFI rozrosła się do ruchu o zasięgu ogólnoświatowym, obecnego w ponad 140 krajach i liczącego prawie 6 milionów członków (według stanu na wrzesień 2023 roku).

Czytaj dalej


W Chrześcijańskiej Misyjnej Współnocie Międzynarodowej, nasza misja jest jasna i niezachwiana. Jesteśmy oddani:

  • Głoszenie dobrej nowiny: dzielenie się przemieniającym przesłaniem Bożej miłości, przebaczenia i zbawienia poprzez wiarę w Jezusa Chrystusa..
    1. Discipleship: Making disciples and equipping believers for a life of purpose, spiritual growth, and maturity.

    1. Church Planting: Establishing vibrant and impactful Christian communities that serve as beacons of hope in our neighborhoods and communities.

  • Missions: Raising, training and equipping coworkers for ministry in local communities and in the ministry in the nation and in the nations.
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Our mission consists of the recurrent tasks and responsibilities directed toward the accomplishment of our overall vision. 

a soul-winning movement

There will never be a stage where the winning of the souls is not part of our work. This is a recurrent work and applies to every one in Christian Missionary Fellowship International.

a church-planting movement

There is no period, no phase of the work when church planting will not go on. All we do must end in either planting a new church, building or strengthening an existing church.

a disciple-making movement

We are disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples for Jesus Christ. That is one of the recurrent and recurring tasks for our ministry and for all in our ministry.

a prayer movement

God has not purposed anything that we can do without prayer. There is nothing that God has called us to do that does not need prayer. We are a prayer movement and shall remain one till the end. It is an integral part of the recurring tasks.

a fasting movement

The chief weapon for dealing with the enemy is fasting. And we have about six enemies: the devil, demons, the world, the things of the world, self, and the carnal mind, the love of the world, the love of the things of the world, all that is fighting the purposes of God.

a fasting-intercession movement

We pray for cities, nations, for our generation. We seek the well-being of the land where we live. It is our first service to the people that God has sent us to, to the land, to the villages, to the cities, to the people God has sent us to.

a revival & holiness movement

We want to bring everyone to experience genuine conversion and have a living and deepening personal relationship with Jesus. Radical consecration for all, pentecost and the fullness of the Holy Spirit are a must for all believers who will serve the Lord.

a signs, wonders and miracles movement

This is an integral part of the gospel and it will never end. “In my Name, they shall heal the sick, they shall cast out demons”. Wherever we preach the gospel, it must be accompanied by signs, wonders, and miracles. As we preach the Gospel, we address the needs of men in the Name of Christ.

a thanksgiving, praise & worship movement

We are disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples for Jesus Christ. That is one of the recurrent and recurring tasks for our ministry and for all in our ministry.

a missionary movement

As a missionary movement, we raise, train, equip and send national missionaries, international missionaries, metropolitan missionaries, literature missionaries, university missionaries. We will continue to train and send forth missionaries.

a literature movement

The Lord gave our founding leader, Professor Zacharias a special ministry through Christian literature, and the legacy he left is enormous. And the Lord has commanded us to use the literature abundantly. The production, and distribution of Christian literature will not stop. 

a church growth movement

Our churches will be very dynamic and fast growing as the Lord has promised. We will have more and more house churches to saturate our cities, towns and villages. We must have small churches, big churches, mega-churches, supra churches..


To be like Jesus in everything:
in His being, in His doing, and in possessing


To bring others to be like Jesus in His being, doing, and possessing

To bring others

to be like Jesus

To bring localities

to be like Jesus

To bring nations

to be like Jesus

To bring generations

to be like Jesus
u003cstrongu003eSO THATu003c/strongu003e

the earth be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord like the waters cover the sea


u003cstrongu003eThe all-creature gospel crusadeu003c/strongu003e

Preach the Gospel to everyone who will be alive in our generation, so that 10 billion people are reached with the gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, using every means of communication (our books, our tracts, our magazines, our CDs, our DVDs, our radio, our television, and internet), in the most urgent manner.

u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003eu003cstrongu003eThe making of disciplesu003c/strongu003e

To bring 1 billion people from 250 nations to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who are discipled to obey Him in all things and organized to meet in 25 million house churches by the year 2065 AD.

u003cstrongu003eu003c/strongu003eu003cstrongu003ePrecipitating the global revivalu003c/strongu003e

Cooperate with God through fasting and intercession for a heaven-rending, earth-shaking, Christ-glorifying global revival in our generation, to hasten the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ from heaven for His Bride made ready.




A Spiritual Movement

Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a spiritual movement. A spiritual movement is a movement that God brings into existence by the Holy Spirit with a specific purpose: A purpose which is maintained as long as the Holy Spirit rules it and coordinates it in total liberty.

A Dynamic Movement

As a movement, Christian Missionary Fellowship Internationalis not and can not be static. As God gives us more things with which to do the work, as we face different levels of the work, and God provides what we need, or we cry out to God and He gives us, all that is given to us becomes part of our ministry.


A Movement Founded on Obedience to God

Christian Missionary Fellowship International is a spiritual movement. A spiritual movement is a movement that God brings into existence by the Holy Spirit with a specific purpose: A purpose which is maintained as long as the Holy Spirit rules it and coordinates it in total liberty.

A Soul-Winning Movement

Christian Missionary Fellowship Internationalis a movement committed to the winning of souls, the making of disciples and the planting of Churches in each locality and in each nation of the world. It is a movement committed to the raising, training, and sending of missionaries to all nations for the salvation of the people in those nations.


A Global Revival Movement

Christian Missionary Fellowship International has been called to bring her contribution to the God-promised world revival through teaching the revived saints: Daily Dynamic Encounters with God, discipleship to Christ and accountability.

A Goal-Directed Movement

Christian Missionary Fellowship International has received a God-given goal, and is fully committed to the pursuit and accomplishment of that goal at each level: individuals, house churches, local churches, cities, nations. Each and everyone in CMFI endeavors to search and know the goal of their lives, and as soon as they know it, to put their all in the its accomplishment, as they contribute to the accomplishment of our global goal.


A Ministry by Instruction

The desire to get the gospel to those in our generation was the overflow of the knowledge of the atoning death of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and the power of the gospel to save to the utmost. What the gospel was and out of a deep gratitude for salvation were at the back of this goal. The blood of Jesus is sufficient for the perishing souls of men. Christian Missionary Fellowship International is the overflow of the apostolic ministry of Professor Zacharias Tanee Fomum, the founding Team-Leader of this movement.


Our mission consists of the recurrent tasks and responsibilities directed toward the accomplishment of our overall vision. 

a soul-winning movement

There will never be a stage where the winning of the souls is not part of our work. This is a recurrent work and applies to every one in Christian Missionary Fellowship International.

a church-planting movement

There is no period, no phase of the work when church planting will not go on. All we do must end in either planting a new church, building or strengthening an existing church.

a disciple-making movement

We are disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples for Jesus Christ. That is one of the recurrent and recurring tasks for our ministry and for all in our ministry.

a prayer movement

God has not purposed anything that we can do without prayer. There is nothing that God has called us to do that does not need prayer. We are a prayer movement and shall remain one till the end. It is an integral part of the recurring tasks.

a fasting movement

The chief weapon for dealing with the enemy is fasting. And we have about six enemies: the devil, demons, the world, the things of the world, self, and the carnal mind, the love of the world, the love of the things of the world, all that is fighting the purposes of God.

a fasting-intercession movement

We pray for cities, nations, for our generation. We seek the well-being of the land where we live. It is our first service to the people that God has sent us to, to the land, to the villages, to the cities, to the people God has sent us to.

a revival u0026 holiness movement

We want to bring everyone to experience genuine conversion and have a living and deepening personal relationship with Jesus. Radical consecration for all, pentecost and the fullness of the Holy Spirit are a must for all believers who will serve the Lord.

a signs, wonders and miracles movement

This is an integral part of the gospel and it will never end. “In my Name, they shall heal the sick, they shall cast out demons”. Wherever we preach the gospel, it must be accompanied by signs, wonders, and miracles. As we preach the Gospel, we address the needs of men in the Name of Christ.

a thanksgiving, praise u0026 worship movement

We are disciples of Jesus Christ who make disciples for Jesus Christ. That is one of the recurrent and recurring tasks for our ministry and for all in our ministry.

a missionary movement

As a missionary movement, we raise, train, equip and send national missionaries, international missionaries, metropolitan missionaries, literature missionaries, university missionaries. We will continue to train and send forth missionaries.

a literature movement

The Lord gave our founding leader, Professor Zacharias a special ministry through Christian literature, and the legacy he left is enormous. And the Lord has commanded us to use the literature abundantly. The production, and distribution of Christian literature will not stop. 

a church growth movement

Our churches will be very dynamic and fast growing as the Lord has promised. We will have more and more house churches to saturate our cities, towns and villages. We must have small churches, big churches, mega-churches, supra churches..

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